Sales Engagement Software

What are Customer Touchpoints in a Sales Cycle?

Customer engagement and interaction are vital in business, and delivering a memorable customer experience is one of the most important things your company can do to generate word-of-mouth marketing opportunities. To capitalize on all of these elements, however, you need to identify customer touchpoints across a sales cycle.

Customer touchpoints are the moments where your company and its prospects, leads, and customers all cross paths. Some industries define touchpoints as the actual moments of interaction between a customer and a representative of a company, but others view customer touchpoints as any interaction, including digital interaction, that takes place between a consumer and a brand.

Making the Most of Touchpoints

To make the most of customer touchpoints, you're going to want to have a system in place that measures engagement and rates customer experience. Sales engagement software can usually handle the measurement and analysis of touchpoint metrics, but not all sales engagement software is made for all types of customer interactions.

As stated above, some touchpoints are entirely virtual, but they may still hold just as much value. The interaction a customer has with an online ad may be just as beneficial for engagement as an in-person discussion with a sales representative. Again, it all depends on how your business and industry measure engagement and the value of engagement, so you will need to choose the right software solution accordingly.

Following Up on Touchpoints

When a touchpoint occurs, it's often a good idea to have a system in place to follow up on the interaction. This is because people are so busy these days that even memorable touchpoints can fall by the wayside. When you follow up with someone shortly after engagement, your brand is more likely to catch the person while the experience is still fresh in their mind. This can make a big difference in the sales cycle between a lead falling off of a journey and a lead moving on to the next step.

You should also consider following up quickly if a negative interaction has taken place. This is important in the digital age, as negative reviews can spread quickly across the Internet. By taking the initiative to make things right after a poor customer experience, your brand is more likely to retain the attention of a customer and bolster your company’s credibility.

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